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Heidi is a level 3 trained Gottman Couples Therapist; and has extensive experience working with and supporting couples. "The Gottman Method is an approach to couples therapy that includes a thorough assessment of the couple’s relationship and incorporates research-based interventions based on the Sound Relationship House Theory. The goals of Gottman Method Couples Therapy are to disarm conflicting verbal communication; increase intimacy, respect, and affection; remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy; and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship".

Most couples come to couples therapy as a last resort or at breaking point. Heidi's hope is that preventative therapy becomes more important, the tools and framework which Gottman Therapy provide are essential for a loving, respectful, connected and joyful relationship. 

The Gottman Framework incorporates a 4 step assessment phase which will require a commitment to these bookings when requesting couples therapy with Heidi. This enables Heidi to complete a full assessment of your relationship, identifying the strengths and the challenges, hurt and emotional injuries to then be able to develop a treatment plan for therapy tailored to your relationship and each individuals needs/goals.


1. 1x 1.5hr booking as a couple, followed by extensive online questionnaire 

2. 1hr individual (Partner A) session with Heidi 

3. 1hr Individual (Partner B) session with Heidi 

4. 1x 1.5 hr couple feedback session.


All sessions after this will be 1.5hrs (with an option for 2hr appointments) and as a couple.


My role as your therapist is to support you and your partner to feel confident to communicate your needs and feelings to feel understood and supported in your relationship, to manage conflict in a healthy, respectful and supportive way and to increase intimacy and connection.


Couples therapy is a deeply vulnerable step in investing in your relationship it says I value you and our relationship enough to get support. It takes admitting what we are doing is not working and I am willing to learn and grow as an individual and in relationship with you. I provide a safe, supportive and engaging approach to couples therapy and would be honoured to support you and your partner to navigate whatever hurdles you are both experiencing and feel confident in your relationship direction, meaning goals and future.



Gottman Marathon Couples Sessions Info


Heidi also offers Gottman Marathon Couples Therapy  6x a year as an alternative approach to regular weekly/fortnightly couples therapy sessions. It provides an opportunity for couples to fast track the process and get their relationship back on track sooner by offering an intense support for the de-escalation of conflict and to aid in increasing stability in the relationship.


It can be helpful when there has been trauma to the relationship and or/infidelity leaving both individuals feeling stuck or unsafe. It creates an opportunity to work through past hurts or injuries which may still be affecting and triggering present issues. By engaging in a Marathon Session couples are able to make movement in stuck issues, work through injuries and utilise evidence-based communication strategies to support this process. A marathon session is especially beneficial for couples who don’t live near a trained Gottman Couple’s Therapist, and or have hectic work schedules and for couples who are feeling ‘gridlocked’ on conflict or in distress.


Couples will engage in 2 days of couples counselling that will involve 5-6 hours of therapy, plus a break for lunch and other short breaks each day.

Couples will be required to have a 20minute Zoom/ telephone appointment with Heidi prior to the Marathon Session and complete a comprehensive online relationship assessment prior to their booked marathon session.


Although each couples Marathon Session will be structured according to their individual needs and situation the session will aim to address relationship injuries/ de-escalation of conflict, increase friendship in the relationship, awareness negative relationship feelings/views and how to work towards building positive ones, increasing fondness and admiration, appreciation and respect, establishing healthy communication skills/strategies (identifying feelings and needs, listening and understanding each other in these) and working on trust and commitment issues to move towards a more satisfying relationship.

Inclusions for marathon couples counselling:

• A highly experienced Accredited Mental Health Social

Worker, a Level 3 Gottman Couples Therapist who has extensive training in the Gottman method of couples counselling

• 2x 5–6-hour days of focussed couples counselling

• A 20-minute pre-session Zoom/phone meeting with each individual

• An online Gottman relationship check-up assessment

• Snacks and tea and coffee provided

• Take Home Resources – a booklet containing the information and strategies relevant to your relationship to support you both and to refer back to

• Access to ongoing Gottman Couples sessions with Heidi via Zoom or in person at AXIS clinic


Please Note this type of Therapy MAY NOT be suitable for:

-Couples where there is serious ongoing domestic violence -If one or both people in the relationship have an active alcohol or drug addiction

-If one or both of the individuals in the relationship suffer from current serious untreated mental health issues (This does not include conditions that have been managed/ treated well in the past).

– If there is an undisclosed affair or an affair that the partner is not willing to cease.

– If either individual is experiencing suicidal, homicidal and or serious self-harm behaviour or thoughts.

– Please contact Heidi if you are unsure if this type of therapy would be suited to you and your partner and your situation and if assessed as it not being suitable, we will do our best to refer you to more suitable and appropriate treatments/services.

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